Chapter 1.6

Welcome back!  This is update #3 for the SimNaNoWriMo event at Boolprop!  Come join the fun or just come and read some fantastic stories from the other members.

Last time was seriously just posted a few minutes ago, so let us carry on with Prom.

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Or with Tangy who is in the clubhouse thing.

Tangy:  Is that a shipwreck?  Hark, someone save the occupants!

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Lemon had to do something at City Hall for school.  She then spends her Friday night out in front doing her homework.

In fact, she doesn’t come home until the notification that her curfew is in an hour.  Have fun!

Pop at prom:

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Fudge at prom:

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Pineapple at prom:

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That ends our first Prom!

Pineapple must be gay?  He has hooked up with Billie from last chapters prom pick (where we thought he was interested in Fudge).

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This the dude that Fudge hooked up with.

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Also, Plum is promoted to level 9 and Blackberry is promoted to level 6!

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Cherry:  Get out of my personal space, jackass.


Plum and his no wish left behind has us stuck right here basically.  3 Honor roll wants (Cherry completed his wish for her) and one to see Pineapple graduate.

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Razz and Tangy playing tag.

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No, Tangy, stop!

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Cherry: It was Pop!

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Haha Pineapple.  He told Fudge to go clean and then went to read a book.

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Lemon reads a book and Pineapple tells Cherry to clean.  Then he went to lay by the pool.

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Tangy is clear from cleaning.  She was out on the waterslide.

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Plum and  Blackberry are off to work yet again.

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Pop:  If this is a joke, I’ll hurt you.

Nope, not a joke.  Enjoy.

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Pop:  I’m so hungry.  Let’s skip the candles part and just eat!


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Pop’s adds Schmoozer to Insane, Genius, Athletic, and Easily Impressed.  I changed his LTW in CAS to Superstar Athlete since that was the very first option and his current one was not even listed.

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After getting a job in Sports with his mom, Plum wants this now.

Pop is gay and Pineapple is actually bi.  Since Pop is stuck here until Graduation, let’s go find him a boyfriend.

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Miltan Cookies lives next door, is single and is rich.  The fact that he’s cute doesn’t hurt either.

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I am controlling Pop just long enough to nab himself a spouse before he graduates and moves out.

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Not that I would force you to watch it all, but a few hours later, they are engaged.

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Now that Pop is on his way out, Pineapple starts guitar skilling.

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Cherry is evil dancing in the garden.

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Tangy and Lemon (I think) are now forced to watch the guitar.

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You little snot!

She is a menace!

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And it’s just going to get worse with traps around here.

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Graduation time!

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Note that everyone except Blackberry put on formals.

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Valedictorian and Most Likely to Offend Others?  Ha.

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Miltan was invited over a little while later.

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Then I got distracted.  Blackberry won her game, but did not get a promotion.  There is just a tiny sliver to go.

Unfortunately, we cannot count this as done just yet.

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When you’re trying to have a small wedding, but didn’t know the family would watch.

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They cancelled the wedding to celebrate birthdays.

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Then it was time for the wedding.

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This was a concern when I saw it, but I was daring and proceeded onward.

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And this is my first Error 12 in at least 6 years.  It did not crash my game as expected.  It just closed out.  I tried to save several more time with no luck.

So, I grabbed everyone up in the town with Porter, which did work.  The game crashed when I tried to go into Edit Town to save the house.  Afterward, I checked my sims 3 folder and the cache’s were in the 500mb range, so I’m not sure if that contributed to the issue or what.

Pop is the first one up for download.

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Replay:  Pop said no to a home wedding after a horrible nightmare the night before when the whole thing was ruined somehow.  He left City Hall and headed straight to Miltan’s house where they had a private wedding.

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His mom and dad were on their way to work when he decided to move out and not wait for the teen birthdays for his quad siblings.  The move went smoothly and he was excited to start the next chapter of his life.

Plus, this time the game saved and the blacked out sim is not here.  I am wondering if one of the quads glitched and borked that save.  We lost nothing as I had just saved when Pop got out of graduation.

I had tried to use the Porter I had made, but it was non-functional.  I came to this save only to grab their house, but found out that we are stuck trying to play them as is.  The next world is the same as the Original Tarts.  It’s all ready and Fudge’s spouses are already there, just in female form.  I have not dragged their swapped versions out TS3 2018-09-02 13-09-30-57.jpg

The girls finally come home and they immediately head to their cakes.

Cherry:  Soggy cake sucks!

The Others:  Yeah!

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Pineapple’s romantic interest Billie arrives and starts taking pics of celebrity children.

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Tangy:  Give me that cake!  You weren’t invited!

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Tangy is the first one with a makeover.

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Razz went next.

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She was followed by Lemon

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Coming up last, is Cherry.

I have to say that I think all the kids this generation really hit the ugly tree.  I really hope that the gender swap spouses do some toning down of these genetics in the future.

These four all resemble aliens.

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During the birthdays Plum and Blackberry had some good wishes.

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Blackberry won her game again.  Before the crash last night, her team won 11-2, so this was a better blowout.

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Are freaking kidding me?!  Still, the game did not crash and since we had makeovers, I saved each of the quads to the bin and reloaded my game.

I replaced the teens even though Razz and Tangy still had their makeovers (because I saved after each one).

Lemon or Cherry was the glitch apparently, but after replacing them with copies, the save works fine.  So far.

Plum does get his LTW completed again, but I’m too lazy to document it.

I’m going to keep going though.  Fudge takes over in two days.  If worse comes to worse, we just bail and leave the quads dumb asses behind.  Anyway, I have saved 3 times in a row with no trouble, so I think we will be okay.

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Razz celebrates this by breaking the tv.

Razz:  Better the tv than the save file!


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Everyone is home except Blackberry who is still at work and freezing.  She got off work 2.5 hours prior to this moment.

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Razz:  Admit it, Lemon.   You are the reason the save broke <thwack>

Lemon:  It wasn’t me!

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Blackberry sat on the prank that has been there for days.  As you can see, Plum had just been directed to sit there to take it out.

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Cherry:  Why is everyone accusing me of killing the save?  I’d rather just kill people!

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Random pic of everyone showing up at school.

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Plum was finally getting the garden taken care of before winter.  Two apple trees were dead, so he had to cry over those.

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What have you done now?

Fudge:  Nothing!  I’m just innocently doing my homework.

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It does not take long to see the prank on the chair.

I’m going to ban you from going to people’s house after school.

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Not bad.  She may just top her career after all.

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Celebratory woohoo.

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Nope *locks gate*.

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LOL  He went and played basketball, but his balance is way off due to lack of brains and he kept falling.

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Lemon:  Hello!  I’ve been whining for an hour trying to get your attention!  I’m tired and I’m going to sit her until you tell me to go to bed!

Have a nice long wait.

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Apparently Fudge got kicked out of that house or she came home on her own, but she obviously never finished her homework.

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Omg.  She’s about to pass out, but chooses to cook instead of going to bed.

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Fudge:  They look so gross.  <sadface>

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Fudge:  Guess it’s pancakes for dinner.

At 4am.

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Okay, make that 6am, I guess.

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Fudge:  I’m tired and I stink!  Help me!

Then the bus showed up.  Have a great time at school.

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Blackberry:  Food!  Feed me!

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Blackberry:  Did you not hear me?  FEED ME!

Is it me or are they being more stupid than normal?

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HAHA!  She sat down to eat and her carpool arrived.

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Plum:  I really would love some grandkids.

And you’ll be getting them soon.

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I have no clue where Lemon is, but she is having a nice chat with herself.

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Yes, the green clad person barely seen above is a sleeping Fudge.  At least she didn’t pass out.

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Right above them in the bathroom, Pineapple is brushing his teeth.

I wonder if the high school field trip was nearby.

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Plum:  It’s getting late!  What if Fudge misses her cake and has her birthday alone in the dark?  Oh no!

There is an easy remedy to this.

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Plum:  Everyone, it’s time to come home for cake!

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Fudge:  I think I’d rather chat on the computer.

Not tonight!

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Lemon:  This cake looks good.

Fudge:  Back away from my cake!

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The whole family celebrates the onset of Generation 2!

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Then head outside to enjoy their last meal in Sugar Valley.

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Oh and Sour Apple is born to Miltan and Pop!  Well, she has Miltan’s skin tone!

Then I saved the game and got my porter going, which shut down my game.  <sigh>  I think after this family hit generation 10, I’m quitting Sims 3 for good.

Torch Holder: 1
Self Wetting:   3
Single Births: 3
Quad Births:  1
Honor Roll: 6
LTW Completed: 1
Careers Completed: 1

5 thoughts on “Chapter 1.6

  1. Haha! I think I’m ready to quit sims 3 too. It’s such a mess when you have all the EP’s installed. I think the kids are turning out great. I like how different they look this time around.

    1. They still have the Sorbet lips, but they do look a lot different the before. I am so glad that we have not had any clones between the two versions of Tarts.

  2. I have huge issues with Porter, don’t use it anymore. Just save the extended family to the bin the old-fashioned way, and move the actives, then reconnect with MC.

    Agree about some weird looking kids, but not too ugly. We’re just used to gorgeous Tarts, lol.

    1. I might do that too. Just save them individually. I don’t think anyone else has moved out, so it wouldn’t be a huge task as it would be in later gens.

      I’m really excited to see the differences in genetics as they go on. It would have been more awesome if I still had the original Plum. The remade one after her genetics broke was very face one.

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