Chapter 2.2

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Last time, Fudge went to uni and became a perfect student, completing her LTW.  She then moved the whole family to Twinbrook.  She married the first spouse, Ginger.

Apparently, the work issue only lasts 24 hours.  Fudge hangs out in the garden.

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Ginger was off doing who knows what and was seen chatting on the phone with Charlie, his soon to be replacement.

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Ginger eventually makes his way home and Plum and Blackberry play chess together.

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It turns out the random pool swimmer from the last chapter is the mailman.  He tried to get in again, but the new gate kept him out.

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Blackberry was also out by the pool.  Maybe she wanted to show off her skimpy bikini to the mailman?

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And there goes Fudge to work.  I have no clue why it stopped her the previous day, but maybe rage quitting fixed it?

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The newest issue.  Blackberry played basketball until her bladder was going to pop.

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With 8 minutes left until bladder meltdown, Blackberry changed clothes, got in the carpool and went to work.  The timer never left 8 minutes and she was able to pee at work.

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Ginger was on the water slide and was about to pass out.  He ran around for hours with a — line under the tired bar, meaning he should have passed out.  He didn’t.  He made it up to bed a few hours later.

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Fudge was at an opportunity and went into labor.

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This is NOT the correct time for this.

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Fudge got fertility treatment at university and it does kick into gear.  Here is Mango (boy:boy) and Papaya (boy:girl).

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Plum has four freaking days off work.  He seems to like the trampoline the most.

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The twins will be left in the swings for 24 hours before having their birthday.

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Ginger gets his first promotion.

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Plum and Ginger then do some athletic skill, just not together.

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I swear this is going a lot faster than the original Tarts.  Fudge and Ginger have decided to start on the next baby.

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Plum:  This house is garbage.
Blackberry:  Well, both you and Ginger have the neat trait.  You can choose to clean.

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I totally did not note down their traits.  They were locked in.

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Ginger runs from swimming in the pool to playing in the sprinklers in his free time.

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He does do diaper duty once or twice along with Blackberry.

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Papaya:  You should come here and make noise.  It’s fun!

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Mango:  I’d much rather play with this stupid doll.

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Both were starving, but Mango wouldn’t put down his doll until after Fudge left the room.

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Fudge turns around and feeds Mango and then starts potty training Papaya.

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Then she starts on Mango.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a toddler smile on the potty.

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Fudge is always going to parties.  She always leaves Ginger behind with the kids.  Today, the action cancels itself.

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Ah!  Pop!

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I double check that the kids are asleep…

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Then Fudge, Plum and Blackberry head to Pineapple’s house for the party.

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Pineapple has a daughter and she need some care.

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A lot of it.  Fudge even bought her a bed and toys.

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Cherry, Pop, and Stormy Sorbet were also there.

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Blackberry was outside reading a book while Cherry and Pineapple were talking.  Charlie did not show up, so Fudge just went home.

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There is plenty of time for toddler training, but the faster it gets done the better.

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Blackberry has been like this for hours.  I keep waiting for her to pass out, but she never does.

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Another day, another party where Charlie does not show up.

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And back to toddler skills.

It takes Fudge three days, but they do finally learn all they can.

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In other news, Ginger and Blackberry are really good friends.  They are always chatting about something.

I’m not sure about that plug bubble though.  Does Ginger like to plug things in?

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My ponderings are forgotten because Fudge woke up in labor.

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Wow, twins again!  Kiwi (girl:boy) and Orange (boy:girl) have both swapped genders!

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Oh and I lied.  They were not skilled up yet.  My bad.

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Ohh. Orange seems to have Ginger’s skin!  I wonder if one will get his hair/eyes.

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The toddler books are left out.  If they choose to read them or not is up to them.  They both do read some, but I have no clue how many.

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No Ginger hair or eyes.  Darn.

And Ginger’s time is done.  If only I could force him out and take the kids with him.  The first twins are almost ready for their birthday.  So, we will see four children and possibly  a new spouse next time.

Torch Holder: 2
Self Wetting:   4
Single Births: 3
Twin Births: 2
Quad Births:  1
Honor Roll: 9
LTW Completed: 4
Careers Completed: 2
Randomizing every LTW choice and trait for a whole generation: 1
Not using spares Happiness points for a generation: 1
Having an NP Spouse reach the top of their career: 1

3 thoughts on “Chapter 2.2

    1. I never use those! Fruit Parfait had them and she had her kids taken by the social worker, if you remember. Plus she was an all around horrible asshole of a mother. I can’t believe how badly I wanted some red hair. At least one got his skin.

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