Chapter 7

Last time, we came back from a five month hiatus to a new town (Roaring Heights), a new house and not much else.  There were some fails and we lost Berry too.  Oh and the toddlers were about to have a birthday.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-18-26-46

But, this is all you get.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-18-42-51

I got bored waiting for PB to take her out of the crib and went to watch the others.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-42-52-70

So, I came back a few HOURS later, and PB is still in front of the crib and now Ivy is about to end up in the system.  With PB stuck there, I can’t do anything.  I gave Wintergreen his makeover (violet) and made PB active.  It turns out that he queues up to remove her, but drops it.  I noticed that everyone in the house was doing the same.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-46-54-68

A quick reset and we find her still about dead, but ready for a birthday.  In the back, Tutti is letting me know she is in the mood to fail.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-47-14-40

Wintergreen:  Eww.  Hurry and have your birthday so you can bathe yourself.

TS3W 2016-04-19 10-50-05-27

She was already insane?  Was she born with it?  Omg.  I can’t remember and she would be the heiress automatically.  I’m sure I would have documented that.  Right?

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-25-08-16

Wintergreen:  You better not pee on me.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-26-47-41

Wintergreen is happy that Tamarind is not going to pee on his feet.

TS3W 2016-04-19 11-03-01-61

Ivy Berry is still in the red.  Her social is tanked because I thought she was trapped by her IF and deleted it.

TS3W 2016-04-19 11-04-25-35

Moonie was off doing an opportunity and rolled this.

TS3W 2016-04-19 11-05-06-92

Since she had an open space, it had to be done.  Later, kid.

TS3W 2016-04-19 11-06-09-74

Tutti: I hope she leaves soon, she smells bad.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-32-11-18

Boysenberry is buzzed on coffee and decided to workout.  I don’t allow coffeemakers, so now I have to hunt that down.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-35-45-01

I swear to God.  You both better just go.

Thistle:  Race ya!
Tamarind:  Okay!

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-36-27-17

Thistle:  I win!
Tamarind:  Fail! (-5)

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-36-59-80

I said yes, of course.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-37-49-28

Dammit.  I stole Wintergreen’s IF and gave it to her.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-40-33-14

The date never happened.  I guess Boysenberry finally crashed from the coffee. (-5)

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-41-46-61

Moonie actually completes a sculpture.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-45-04-29

Ivy is now socially green.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-48-49-98

At least she was on her way to bed.  I think.  (-5)

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-52-04-40

In just a few minutes, sculpting will be maxed!  Yes!

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-53-07-72

Wintergreen:  I want a bedtime story.
Boysenberry:  Sure, who cares that I’m about to pass out.  Again.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-53-48-63

I realized I hadn’t seen PB in a while.  I found him out in the garden yelling at the fence.

TS3W 2016-04-19 16-56-59-99

Moonie:  Look guys! No skill bar!

TS3W 2016-04-19 17-02-16-83-1

Tutti Fruitti and the magical pee puddle.  (-5)

TS3W 2016-04-19 17-02-46-34

TS3W 2016-04-19 17-13-38-36

Omg.  Really?  (-5)  Oh and she reset herself and we paid for her not to go to boarding school.

*Emergency heir poll happens now*

Also, I played with building them a new house while the voting took place.  Then I went full steam and recolored in Moonie’s favorite color.  That took FOREVER.

TS3W 2016-04-29 07-51-28-42

During the renovation, Jam has his elder birthday.  I totally failed at finding him a mate.  I will have to hurry up and do that soon.

TS3W 2016-04-29 11-19-33-11

Moonie enjoys her first meal in her lilac and overly purple kitchen.

TS3W 2016-04-29 11-20-06-13

Umber is the first ghost to find the new mausoleum area.

TS3W 2016-04-29 11-21-30-69

They were like locusts swooping in to devour a plate of PB&J.  Moonie had barely finished hers when they seemed to scent it from the upper floor.

TS3W 2016-04-29 11-31-16-53

PB:  Haha.  I got the last sandwich!
Jade:  I’m too tired to make more food.

TS3W 2016-04-29 20-21-16-66

Eggplant:  Boohoo!  We got a new coffee table.

TS3W 2016-04-29 20-24-08-25

PB:  Why is everything in this damn house purple!  I hate it!

TS3W 2016-04-29 20-25-03-50

Lefty: *whisper whisper whisper*
Tamarind:  What do you mean I lost the heir poll?  I was in the lead for almost 17 hours!
Lefty: *whisperyouarealoserdumbasswhisper*

TS3W 2016-04-30 12-20-15-44

Tamarind may have lost the heir poll, but he did get a pretty green room that will only be around for four more days.

TS3W 2016-04-30 12-19-54-53

Likewise, Tutti gets a pink room.

There is a nursery, but with no babies, there is no reason to do anything there.

TS3W 2016-04-30 12-58-41-36

Ivy and Wintergreen get a horrifying mix of aqua and violet.  They will advance to their own rooms when they hit teen since both Tutti and Tamarind will be moving out that same day.

TS3W 2016-04-30 13-10-42-06

Eggplant’s Irish Green fits in well with the multiple shades of purple Moonie loves.

TS3W 2016-04-30 13-12-33-94

Top floor.  There is nothing up here to interest the family except the BBQ area and the bedrooms.

TS3W 2016-04-30 13-14-10-12

The main floor has two bathrooms, laundry area, kitchen and dining, computer lab, living room and a gym/music room.

TS3W 2016-04-30 13-15-22-96

The basement has the mausoleum (with visitors!), a skilling area and a cat lounge.  In the upper left is Jade and PB’s apartment.  It is a replica area of Firestar’s house (that they just moved from), but added another bedroom to it.  There is also another bathroom and a couple of all in one’s near the skilling area.

That apartment, the patio furniture and the playground equipment still need to be recolored.  The most important aspect is that they went from a 50×50 lot down to a 30×30.

TS3W 2016-04-30 17-25-11-72

The sparsely furnished “apartment” is green (PB) and white (Jade).  The door is locked to adults only because I had 10 sims try to crowd in there to watch that tiny tv.  Speaking of adults…

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-04-50-26

We see Jade and Eggplant not very happy in the entryway.  Neither one has anything in their queue, so I missed whatever transpired.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-15-02-21

Back to the house tour.  The house is a bit more modern outside than in.  I may remember to get a nice pic during the day.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-12-29-47

With the house done, it’s time to get back to the family.  Moonie is already doing laundry.  I use Nona’s mod so that it collects in one hamper (and picks the clothes off the floor hourly), what a lifesaver.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-13-06-60

Tutti is doing the unthinkable while Boysenberry is just standing there, staring out the window.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-13-24-70

Outside that window is Thistle and Tamarind.  Wintergreen is over yonder and I think they are all commenting on the new flowers.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-23-23-31

Ivy Berry is standing in the living room with a sourpuss face.  She always has this face.  Also, Tamarind got scolded for that trap on the chair.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-44-45-91

Tamarind:  Hey, get up.  I want that chair.
Boysenberry:  There are three others just like it.  Leave me and my homework alone.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-47-21-22

Thistle:  Whatcha doin’?
Ivy:  Looking at this painting.  What’re you doin’?
Thistle:  Going to see that vase over there.

Omg, so boring.

TS3W 2016-04-30 18-52-32-16

TS3W 2016-04-30 19-02-54-59

No one does anything so far.  I did catch Tutti and Jade being interesting though.

Then the game crashed.  I do want to get rid of Thistle and Boysenberry in this chapter, so hopefully it will load back up without trouble.

So, the game continued to crash on load up.  Repeatedly.

TS3W 2016-04-30 21-22-04-18

So, I saved the house to the bin and then put them on the same lot in a new (empty) Roaring Heights.  Now for the first time in forever, SP is back on to get some kids and sims in town.

TS3W 2016-04-30 22-18-35-36

Even though Jam is an elder, it is not too late to bring in a kitten.  Snowdrop joins the family.

TS3W 2016-04-30 22-25-00-87

After the move is the perfect time for a double birthday.  Thistle screws shit up and goes first.

TS3W 2016-04-30 22-58-59-93

She turns out to be a Moonie clone with Caramel Tart’s coloring and Eggplant’s skintone.

TS3W 2016-04-30 22-25-23-33

She is stuck with one of the most useless traits found and then gets a LTW for Science career.

TS3W 2016-04-30 23-09-40-80

Boysenberry ends up being another with a big resemblance to Moonie.

TS3W 2016-04-30 23-00-49-06

His trait isn’t too bad at all.  His LTW is Superstar Athlete.

TS3W 2016-04-30 23-39-14-38

Moonie refuses to finish her painting, but Eggplant and Tutti are skilling while Thistle and Boysenberry get tossed out.

TS3W 2016-04-30 23-43-00-69

Thistle moved out first and we soon find her protesting Nessie with my simself.

TS3W 2016-04-30 23-53-36-85

Ugh.  That’s not why you moved to this town, SimMe.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-06-41-96

Of course they find the computers first.  It was neat that Jade and Tutti are playing Burnout multiplayer together.  Wintergreen is in fact setting a booby trap.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-09-00-04

Moonie finally paints, but not until I fulfill her only wants.  Tutti and Tamarind are now enrolled in boarding school.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-10-13-61

Boysenberry hasn’t been gone long, but I guess it was long enough that he needed to call dad.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-11-25-26

Wintergreen:  You didn’t see that, did you?
Jade:  Oh, yes.  I am so glad you were dumb enough to do that with me sitting right here.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-13-57-79

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-14-24-93

Jade:  Don’t ever do that again!  You could give someone nightmares with that trap!
Wintergreen:  That’s the point, Granny.  Geez.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-17-15-27

This one is going around the house “viewing” everything.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-19-08-72

Tam is taking  a well deserved rest.  He just cleaned the whole kitchen and dining area.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-20-16-02

PB is wondering why I left junk on the floor.  Oops.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-23-57-58

Only three levels to go?  Cool!

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-25-00-27

Wow, everyone is doing something!  Well, PB is dancing, but the others are skilling.

TS3W 2016-05-01 00-30-17-53

Ivy finally finds something to do, and of course chose something in the unfinished nursery.

I guess this is as good a place as any to stop for the day.


Self wetting (3): -75
Passing out (2): -120

Points: -195

I wish these morons would give me some positive points for once.

8 thoughts on “Chapter 7

  1. OMG, Wintergreen’s face when he gets scolded. So cute! Too bad he’s not heir, he’s so adorable. I do love Ivy also, yay for a new skin colour!

    All those insane sims and their obsession with viewing all the things. Surprised you haven’t gone mental over that.

    Nona’s Super Hamper is one of my favourite mods, especially in an ISBI! So helpful.

    1. Let my start by saying, “THANKS!”. You are my 500th like on the Tart’s. Woo!

      Ivy is driving me nuts. She goes from flower to flower to painting just to view them. I love that scolding mod. It asks when I want to scold them and I usually say yes for grades and traps. I am so glad to be away from the skin color that has been going on for decades. I think it goes all the way back to Caramel.
      Hamper is the best. I had it for a long time and lost it when I did a mod cleanup. I am so glad I found it again.

  2. I finally caught up! I LOVE your Tarts so much. From Plum to Moonie, I’ve found something to love and hate about each TH. I’m bummed Winter didn’t win as I was when Cinnaburst didn’t win – I love trouble making, evil sadistic heirs. I think Winter looks like a purple haired Beast Boy from Teen Titans, lol.

    You mentioned playing Sims 2; do you have a blog for your adventures in that game too? I’d love to see them.

    New fan and follower!

    1. Aww, thanks so much! I LOVED Cinnaburst. I really liked Winter also.

      Thank you so much for reading and I’m so glad you like my dorky sims.

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