Chapter 1.1

Welcome back.  Last time we saw Plum and Blackberry again, just gender swapped.  Plum and Blackberry welcomed Pop and they were happy to see that he stayed a boy.

House tour, sort of.

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Left side path to  the backyard.  There’s nothing on the right side of the house yet.

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Kitchen, dining and living room are in one long room down the middle of the house.

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Pop likes Lilac, so his nursery reflects that.

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Small seating area out back.

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The backyard.

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Unfinished rooms for children, an empty bathroom space on the left.  Master bedroom is actually on the bottom right.  They just ran out of money before it could be fixed up.

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Plum getting his first indoor meal.

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Blackberry and her ever present stink cloud exercised to until nap time.

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First broken toilet.

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Blackberry:  Mommy is surrounding you in love!
Pop: <gag>

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Plum just washed his hands otherwise you’d see two disgusting clouds here.

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Blackberry bathed!  Woo!  Also, she is a very good mom.

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Instead of eating what Plum cooked for her, she heads out to make tofu dogs.

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Plum got off work and heads around town for harvesting.  He’s in an orchard harvesting apples right now.

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Blackberry eats.  She’s kind of boring.

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What could this mean?

Blackberry:  I know what it means and I’m not happy about it.

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She had just gotten in the pool when Pop started crying.

Blackberry:  All he does is cry.  I’m so over it.
That’s not true at all.  He’s a very good baby.

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Another day, another diaper change.

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Oh and a pop in front of Pop.

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Sprinkler fun on a full moon night.

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No promotion for Plum.  He comes home to finally care for his own garden for a change.

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After he was done, they finally moved the garden out of the front yard and expanded it by a whole lot.

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You can tell what day it is by how many plates are lying around.  No one does dishes in this house.

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Blackberry:  I was going to sit and chat, but I think we should woohoo instead.

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Woohoo never happened.  Blackberry got distracted by exercise and Plum soon followed.

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I had Plum leave two hours early for work. Blackberry was then ready to leave an hour later.

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But she has to stay with Pop.

I had been putting feelers out to everyone I have known for a long time and it paid off.  I adore you, Chazy!

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She had a household with Raspberry and Ash (graves, resurrected with DebugEnabler), Grape and Kiwi, and Watermelon and Stormy, along with a couple of other of Grape’s kids.

I connected Blackberry to them and now they are running free in this save.

Okay, back to the fam we go.

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Blackberry is still a good mom.

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But she still refuses to eat leftovers.

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Plum is on  bedtime duty after work.

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I still find it baffling how much time Blackberry spends in the garden.

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Then I saw this.  Well, that explains it.

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The next morning we get some good news.

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But first, breakfast.

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Plum:  Hahahaha.
Why are you laughing?
Plum:  I don’t know. It just seems inappropriate, so I’m going to do it at every party.

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Blackberry has the face of the unamused.
Pop:  <gag>  Halp!

Blackberry’s trusty stink cloud hugs poor little Pop.

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Oh my.  He’s so cute!  Random eye color, but who cares!

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Awww, I luvs him.

How Plum spent her day (remember, she is 9 months pregnant):

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Plum’s want was to spend $1000.  He’s out back teaching Pop to walk and trying not to watch Blackberry in all her glory.

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Blackberry:  I think my water just broke.
Oh dear.

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Inside, Pop is learning to potty before we sneak Plum off to work.

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Blackberry:  MEDIC!

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Plum:  What is that wailing?  It’s scary!  Is there a ghost in the wall?
Pop:  I dunno.

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Well, that’s an interesting turn of events.  Fudge is a girl this time around.  She got to choose both traits.  She is an Insane Genius.

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Pop wandered off to play in a puddle.

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Plum:  I’m not pregnant anymore.  This bitch is taking this court down!

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Plum loves her little babies.

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Pop:  Hungwy and I gotta potty!
Blackberry:  Let’s just watch tv for a bit, okay?
Pop:  <poops>

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I don’t know if he was hungry all day or if he got hungry again, either way, thank god Plum is home now.

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Ahem, that didn’t take long at all!


No fails this time, but see you next time to find out if Pineapple is a boy or girl.

Torch Holder: 1
Self Wetting: 1
Single Births: 2

4 thoughts on “Chapter 1.1

  1. I love seeing the Tarts. How I have missed them. And the gender swap idea is a fun remix. Just out of curiosity, are the heir’s going to be the same as last time?

    1. The kids will be named exactly as they were last time. All the heirs will be the same, but the genders, traits, and LTW will not. They will get the same spouses. If there was an affair that resulted in a child, they will have to have an affair this time too.

      1. My game has been randomly shutting off, not even an error, just closing itself out. I had to make a new Sims 3 folder and re-install all of my store content and worlds before I can play again. I think the Tart household I was given (that refused to install via the launcher) had issues. I got lucky and was very grateful that the person made me a library version. Anyway, the point being, as soon as I get this done, I can play again. Yay.

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