Chapter 4

Welcome back!  Sorry, I missed the posting last Tuesday, but I haven’t played the Sims in almost two weeks now.  I had a marathon session just yesterday, so I can probably get two chapters out this week to make up for it.

TS3 2016-11-18 19-24-49-27

I didn’t even bother with a sim check.  I meant to, but forgot.

Orion:  Give me my son, or I’ll knock up Firefly and add more kids to the house.
Raisin:  I can always use another grandchild.

TS3 2016-11-18 19-38-23-95

Like the house needs anymore damn kids.

TS3 2016-11-18 19-39-30-65

Glow Bug is trying to get the kids skilled, but with so many of them, it’s hard to keep track of who needs what done.

TS3 2016-11-18 19-40-15-64

Raisin is just one promotion away from his LTW!  I am pretty excited to have back-to-back spouses get theirs.

TS3 2016-11-18 19-56-01-66

You asshole.

Orion:  I warned him!

TS3 2016-11-18 19-58-06-59

In case you forgot, Glow Bug got pregnant with her second child last chapter.  There is so much chaos, that I missed her maternity spin.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-00-39-20

Lightning was supposed to fix the trash compactor.  I noticed later that it had failed.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-03-04-92

At least Firefly could get it done.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-23-13-64

Lightning and Orion are pretty good friends.  I guess hunting each other down every five minutes to ask about the others’ day is how it happened.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-26-10-04

One of the broken bathrooms has destroyed the upstairs bathroom.  These two work together to get the bathroom cleaned.  Then Glow Bug fixed the bathroom.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-28-48-29 TS3 2016-11-18 20-28-52-83TS3 2016-11-18 20-29-02-36

This is to show one thing and one thing only.  How I never used the kitty reward points.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-29-35-03


TS3 2016-11-18 20-29-15-93

Do you see this??  Holy shit.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-36-44-10

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TS3 2016-11-18 20-37-12-22

TS3 2016-11-18 20-37-30-87

We got rid of the top three kittens immediately and kept Rainbow, the last one here.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-40-43-21

Mommy and baby snuggling.  So sweet.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-43-46-30

Yay, one less toddler.

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So, of course, Glow Bug goes into labor.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-46-59-57

Glow Bug is quite proud to announce the birth of the first girl of Generation 10 (and her last child).

As it stands, Lightning and Glow Bug have two kids each and Firefly is pregnant with her second.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-49-04-29

Pomegranate has his birthday the next day.  The compactor is broken again along with laptop.  Everything in this house keeps breaking.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-50-42-93

Glow Bug birthed her clone.  She’s still cute though.

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TS3 2016-11-18 20-51-55-84

At least his dads are on hand to witness it too.  Most everyone else is bottlenecked elsewhere.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-54-31-32

Pomegranate adds mean spirited.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-55-22-69

Eggplant:  I’m tired of not getting any face time.  I’m out of here.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-57-19-17

Four generations in one pic!

TS3 2016-11-18 20-56-16-57

Eggplant:  Don’t worry, Moonie, we will be together again soon.

TS3 2016-11-18 20-58-15-51

TS3 2016-11-18 20-59-23-32

(Coward trait, doesn’t count as a fail)

TS3 2016-11-18 21-00-01-58

I felt this coming, which is why I didn’t go too overboard with the boohoo captions.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-03-26-19

Glow Bug witnessed Moonie teaching her only great-granddaughter to walk.  Then Moonie got interrupted by Lightning, who took over, who got interrupted by Raisin.  Even with 4 adults fighting over it, she never learned to walk.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-07-38-39

At least these two can now potty like big kids now.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-08-18-89

Firefly finally realized that she has a son.  This is the first time I’ve seen her near him.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-13-37-57

Woo, finally!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-13-59-39

Lightning was on duty all night.  I think he’s putting her to bed so that he can go to bed too.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-14-51-44

Pom’s first day of school!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-16-16-39

Oh hell no.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-18-02-26

Lightning tries to fix the trash compactor again.

Elijah:  Can you please not kill yourself this time?
Lightning:  I think I got it this time.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-18-36-59

On the other side of the room, Glow Bug has THREE laptops to fix.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-19-20-69

Blueberry:  I’m tired, hungry and smelly!  WAHHHHH!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-20-55-12

Omg.  I missed it with all the chaos!  +40!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-21-06-43

Sigh.  I don’t think I ever sent him to the hospital in all the chaos.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-22-28-46

Moonie:  But I want to be at home so a kitty can save me!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-22-36-21

Moonie:  Dammit.  I’m not ready!

TS3 2016-11-18 21-23-10-19

Moonie’s death was witnessed by a granddaughter she had never met.  Catrina belongs to Thistle and her late husband.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-25-56-90

TS3 2016-11-18 21-27-14-34

Back home, Firefly was helping Blueberry with his birthday.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-28-13-09

Eggplant:  Moonie, don’t leave without me!

I kept the kittens in the basement.  I regret nothing.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-28-27-99

I don’t think it’s sunk in yet.  lol

TS3 2016-11-18 21-30-29-63

The women were the first to notice.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-30-37-17

Blueberry is adorable.  He adds hopeless romantic (I think).

TS3 2016-11-18 21-43-18-51

After a respectable few hours, Glow Bug transforms Eggplant and Moonie’s room and then surprises Lightning and Elijah with their own room.

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TS3 2016-11-18 21-44-38-82

Rainbow has her birthday and the cat family tree wraps up with her.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-45-53-12

TS3 2016-11-18 21-46-42-03

Marigold, who stuck around to see her grandkitty age up, bids everyone farewell next.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-50-57-70

At the same time, Crash is caught hiding his money (even though he lives with the kid and the baby mama)….or he did the last time I checked.  He has a son named Curt.

TS3 2016-11-18 21-51-28-44

Ivy Berry, knew what needed to be done next.  She made a quick phone call and bought a house down the street for her, Raisin, Cymoril and Hollyberry.


I think this is a good place to stop.  Next time, we will meet Firefly’s second child and probably have some birthdays.

TH:  10 (x3)
Births: (5) 25
NTH topping career: (2) 10
Completed LTW: (2) 80

Pass Out: (1) –5

Score: +110

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